Sunday, February 20, 2011

Photos from Ray Smith

     It was wonderful to get in touch with Ray Smith.  And it turns out that Ray has photos as well as other materials from both training and his time in Sierra Leone.  He has been busy digitalizing them and then editing to recover some of the color, and has generously sent them to me on a DVD.  The photos are below.  I'll enter the names of folks as best I can, and you can correct me when you spot a mistake.  (If anyone else out there has photos and is willing to share them, I'll be glad to post them here.)    - Tony

? and Jerry Mills

Our soccer team

Char Roycht and Bill Whitten

Joe Bass, Char, and Bob Gross, Geoff Campbell, and Carole Zavoral

Char boarding bus

Hap Cawood, Bob Rawson, Jerry Davis, and Ray Smith

Burke Casari and Carole Zavoral

Dave Rieder

Bill Wooten, Hap Cawood, Carole Zavoral, ?, Ray Smith, Joe Bass, Judy Salisbury, Geoff Campbell, Dave Rieder (in red shirt)

John Benanti, Dave Sherwood, Sally Stahlbrodt

Bill Whitten

Clara Rathjens

Marvin Hanson, Dave Rieder, Mary Mullin, Geoff and Pat Campbell, Pat Preciado, Dave Frame

Tony Russell, ?, Dave Sherwood, Paul Chantrey, Jack Johnston, Wilbur Mellema, Bob Hopkins,  Bob Rawson, and Coach Miller before our game with "Peru"

John Benanti, Wilbur Mellema, Dr. George Bond (Project Coordinator), Bob Rawson, and Dr. Willard Hogan

Dave Rieder, Bob Rawson, and Clarence Lee, among others

Gerry Davis, Hap Cawood, John Smith, Bill Whitten, Coach Miller, Dave Frame, Joe Bass, Bob Hopkins, John Benanti?, Joe Gbujama, Rufus Stevenson

Stella Ferguson, Gini Maulfair, Gary Sandison, Celestine Labor, Burke Casari, Frances Williams

Hap Cawood

Ray Smith

Monday, February 14, 2011

Hap Cawood's Peace Corps Diary

Following are calendar-skipping snippets from my Peace Corps diary that provide some time-event markers and that mention members of our larger group, primarily when we were in Freetown. Unfortunately, in many instances I wrote down only single names (forgive any misspellings) of other PCVs and folks who associated with us. It’s not literature, but perhaps it will jog a memory or two.— Hap


June 18, 1962
At New York City bus station met J. Mills, Campbells, and Maureen on ride to New Paltz. Walked with Bill Prosch and Jerry Davis from stop to Scudder Hall. Roommate: Davis. Had dinner and speeches, then dance.

 July 4, 1962
Picnic at New Paltz College Camp with large student-faculty crowd.

August 14, 1962
Accepted as a Volunteer—had come in from mountain camp…Returned to camp—hiked to beaver dam; bathed in falls.

August 17, 1962
Easy day at College Camp—went to rocks with Ray Smith; rained. Cocktail party and graduation.

This quick trip through training takes us to the end of our time at New Paltz.  To read Hap's diary entries from Sierra Leone, click on "Hap's Diary" under "Pages" on the right hand side of the blog.