This is the Bo Teacher Training College staff photo, provided by Paul Chantrey. In the first row are: Father Walsh, Irish priest; Principal, Father O’ Toole; and Father Sullivan, Irish priest.
In the second row are a Sierra Leonean instructor; Sean Farren, Irish vol.; Tom Maxwell, Irish vol.; and a Sierra Leonean instructor.
In the third row are Dave Williams, PCV-SLII; Paul Chantrey, PCV-SLII; Rex Jarrell, PCV-SLI; and Al McIver, PCV-SLI.
This is in front of the main entrance of the school building. Other buildings in the compound included the priests' house, a recreation/cafeteria building, numerous dorms, and an elementary school with individual classroom buildings.
I've just become aware of this blog, which I find fascinating. I am in the photo as one of the CTO staff. My name is Tom Maxwell. I remember the four PC guys well, in particular Rex and Al. Sean Farren and I shared a house with them at one point. By the way, it's Fr.O'Sullivan, not Sullivan as one credit has it.
Yes I think I have a copy of this photo in my archive. Rolls back the years. If Dave Williams reads this I would love to hear from him. We enjoyed many a long discussion, especially during the year in which we shared accommodation.
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