Rufus has been busy. Our Thursday night dinner in DC seems to be all set: as Char wrote, “Contract signed, Hopkins on the line with his credit card, all is well. Rufus has done a marvelous job.” In addition, the restaurant is set for Friday’s lunch, and we have the whole place reserved--again, thanks to Rufus. Rufus has also organized a fundraiser for the Phil Delta Kappa Foundation’s annual drive and for his nonprofit Jah-Kente International. Energy! You can see the updated arrangements under “Pages” at “Planning for the 50th PC Anniversary in DC....”
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Jerry Davis has sent another installment of his Sierra Leone memoirs, this time describing a lorry ride he took from Freetown to Bo. It brings back a lot of images. To see the new section, go to “Pages” on the right side of the blog and click on “Jerry Davis’s Journal.” (I have a vague recollection of a PCV--not a member of our group, I think--riding in a lorry with his arm hanging out the side and having it broken when another vehicle passed too close. Does that strike a chord for anyone else?)
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And Jerry Mills has sent the second chapter of My Heart Is Like a Cabbage. But we’re sticking to the every-other-week schedule, so you have that to look forward to next week. Jerry and his wife, by the way, were driven away from their vacation at their cabin near Nutrioso, Arizona, by the largest wildfire in state history. As of a few minutes ago, the fire has burned 478,452 acres of forest, mostly ponderosa pines. - Tony
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