Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

This entry is overdue; my apologies.  I have been having problems with the formatting of entries to pages, and have spent too many hours trying to get that straightened out.  New material this time includes a letter of condolence that Bill Prosch received from a former student upon the death of Bill’s brother.  Bill asked that it be posted; you can see it immediately below.  There is also a new chapter (Chapter 11) for Jerry Mills’ novel-in-progress, My Heart Is Like a Cabbage; another entry for the Ten Minutes page, and a link (see under the “Links” section part way down the right hand side of the blog page) to the photos Erick took at the Ten Minutes session itself.  
Erick noted, “I have posted a selection of pictures that I took at the meeting on flickr.  I selected the "best" (sharpest) image that I had of each member and then included a few others that I liked for their expression or context.  I didn't caption these pictures.  It's more private that way and anyway we know who we are.  I think someone is missing from the set but I can't remember who. :-)”
I wish all of you a Thanksgiving of safe travel, loving friends and family, and abundant food and other blessings.
- Tony
Mr. Prosch,
I learnt of your brother’s passing away through my brother’s (Hamid Charm’s) message to you and your family.  May I also take this opportunity to register my heartfelt condolences to the family, and more especially to you, for the big loss.  Only a heart that loves feels the painful sorrow of parting.  May God grant him a safe passage to Paradise.
It’s many years now, but I still remember you, Mr. Bill Prosch, my English Language and Literature teacher (Forms One and Two) at Kolenten Secondary School.  I thank you so much for having contributed towards what I am today.
Your brother’s departure to the hereafter is God’s wish and cannot be altered nor challenged, and so let us all take it in good faith.  He is doing His will.
Haroun Charm
Kolenten Secondary School (Jnr)

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